Monday 22 May 2017

Injustice 2

Injustice 2 Trailer

I wanted to make this post purely to talk about Injustice 2's amazing facial animations. It takes a lot for a video game's faces to be completely believable. And Injustice 2's, are the best I have ever seen from a game. Especially with Mass Effect Andromeda coming out recently and showing everyone just how awful facial animations can be, this game tops anything and raises the bar significantly. With this being a fighting game, it would be all too easy to put more effect into the fight animation and leave out the facial animations, but they did not, they put them in to such a high quality that you really believe that these could be a real person's emotions.

I am not very far into the game yet, but the thing about these games is that they are very story driven, so telling a story and also having good fight's is a significant part of the game, and the facial animations and the emotions shown, really add to this, and make a believable story where you can feel for every character.

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