Monday 22 May 2017

Avatar : The Last Airbender

I have only recently started watching this show, and I am hooked and have almost finished it. So I wanted to make a post about it because of how much I am enjoying this show. Often as a child I over looked this show, because it never interested me, and as an ignorant kid, I assumed it was just a western Dragon Ball rip off to cash in on Dragon Ball's success. However what I can say, is that is completely wrong. This show is original, and full of great writing, amazing character development, and inspiring world building.

It is not often you get a show aimed at kids with so much attention to detail, to a point which it has created a large fanbase online. The animation is also top notch, it is obvious that a lot of love, care and attention which has been put into it which makes it incredibly fun to watch and makes for an experience. It takes a lot for me to really get into a show, but this one had me hooked pretty quickly. Even the voice cast do their absolute best to portray their character's to an incredibly high level. It is incredibly easy to get bad child voice actors, but these ones do their jobs incredibly well.

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