Sunday 21 May 2017

Dragonball Super

As an avid Dragon ball Fan, I follow the new series "Dragon ball Super" every week, and one thing I have noticed, is a lot of complaints about the animation drop from the original Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z. I feel like it is important to note that this is an anime post, and I am not going to go into this type of thing very often, but Dragon Ball Z was a huge influence on my art style, so I feel like it is important to talk about for me.

This is a comparison between an older episode of Dragon Ball Z, and a pretty important episode of the newer show, it is obvious, that there is a definite drop in quality, even if it is a fast frame zoomed in, I feel as though there is really no excuse for this. In anime, there is a lot of static frames, and not much movement, so a lot of the story telling needs to be told by the visuals, and it is pretty impossible to do this when the visuals don't even look good.

Also, it is important to note, that the manga equivalent, looks significantly better, so I feel like there is really a lack of excuse as to why the anime looks so terrible in places.

It is not as though they haven't listened to complaints from fans however, because Toei has issued a blu ray release of the show since it came out, and it already looks significantly better even from promo's from the episodes, which have been re animated to look much more like the source material and the art style is more like the original show.

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