Gumball Anime Fight
During the Amazing World of Gumball, there is a segment which includes an anime style fight, and this fight was animated by Studio 4c, a well known Japanese studio by Einko tanaka, the line producer on the Ghibli Film "My Neighbour Totoro".
For a list of their works see:
I really wanted to talk about this fight, not because it is in Gumball, but because of how well animated it is. The fight flows really well, and works really well in the style of Gumball. It is important to note too, that even the backgrounds are drawn, but they do not feel like it because of how well done they are. I love the juxta position and humour behind this fight. This fight has inspired me to try and direct my own fight scene done with my own characters. I feel like this also shows that anime is not all static imagery, and it is capable of constantly moving and showing how well it can be pulled off in this style. There is definitely a negative stigmatism behind this type of thing, so I am glad that a Western Show like gumball has shown everyone what it is capable of really being.
One thing that I admire, is the use of colour in this fight, and also the use of shadow. All of this really add to the style of everything and really enhance the fight, even though it is so quick, the shadows and light are always there and follow the light source really well, which it would be easy to leave out, but it adds a lot of detail to the already hilarious juxtaposition of style between this segment and the regular show.
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