Sunday 21 May 2017

Amazing World of Gumball

Recently I have been getting really into The Amazing World of Gumball, from Cartoon Network, as I really appreciate the humour behind it, and one thing I want to talk about, is the animation style, and the composited backgrounds which they use in the show, which creates a really cool effect which I definitely want to try out for myself.

One thing that appeals to me in The Amazing World of Gumball, is the backgrounds, and the way that it is animated. Gumball always uses 2D and some 3D character's, in front of composited backgrounds, using real pictures edited a bit to fit the theme. I feel as though this a really cool and interesting idea, which probably saves a lot of cost for the animators not having to design all the backgrounds and draw them by hand, instead they can just take photos and composite them together.

This is also a really recognisable feature of gumball. I think this is just as recognisable as the Simpsons being yellow, as soon as you flick past gumball on the TV, you immediately recognise the backgrounds, and that is something that I feel is important for any animated show. I think this is something I want to experiment with next year and in future projects, using composite images rather than drawing everything.

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