Sunday 20 May 2018

What I will engage with over Summer

Over summer I want to engage more with my practice over summer. For this summer I have already applied for a bluezoo internship, as well as applying for a place to go to Singapore for an animation competition.

After all of that, or before, I want to engage more with my own web comic which I am trying to develop and find a platform for, I also want to revisit an animation that never came to fruition properly when I first made it.

 The webcomic I am trying to develop, with my own characters and designs.

The animation I want to remake over summer is "Pink and Blue" . This is my first animation from my first year, I was far too over ambitious with what I wanted to accomplish with a 15 second animation, and I changed my idea right at the end. Because of this, it never came to be the project I wanted it to be, so I want to remake it into a 1 minute animation which I can make into a proper animated short with the story that was originally intended for it. It is less about recycling stories as it is expanding upon them with more knowledge and experience than I had before. 

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