Sunday 20 May 2018


In a competitive industry like animation, we have to take every opportunity to network with creative professionals. I have made a list of ways to talk to professionals which could lead to a better understanding of the industry.

  1. Art Station - Art station is a growing website where creatives can like and share each other's work. 
  2. Instagram - Instagram is a popular picture based social media network, artists have made a good following there which is easy to understand and easy to share work with others. 
  3. Linkedin - Linkedin is a professional site for connecting with people in your industry. Linkedin suggests people for you so that you always have new opportunities to talk to a professional from your practice. 
  4. Manchester Animation Festival - MAF is a great way of creating with people in the animation industry, it offers networking events where you can get into a room full of people interested in and from the same industry. 
  5. Leeds young film festival - This festival is a great opportunity to meet creatives, they may not necessarily be in the animation industry however it is still the film industry which can greatly aid you in many areas. 
  6. Thought Bubble - Art is an essential part of animation, and thought bubble gives opportunities to meet artists from all areas. 
  7. Via email - Although it can be daunting, many creatives will reply to emails to answer any questions you may have about the practice. 
  8. Animex - Animex is a convention of sorts which offers a variety of talks from professionals which is held at teesside university. 
  9.  Cardiff animation festival - although a relatively new festival, I think it would be a great opportunity to network similar to that of MAF. 
  10. Studio Visits/Tours - Upon emailing some studios will accept people to come and take a look into their studio to gain an understanding of how the industry works and pratices. 

To help myself in connecting with others in my practice, I have set up a linkedin account, since making my account I have a fair few connections of whom are from different backgrounds and from different practices. Thanks to my brother I have also connected with people in the gaming industry. 

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