Sunday 20 May 2018

A Rebrand for the Better

Throughout PP I have been considering my professional presence a lot more. I have been looking into my own personal background with the creative industry, and have made a change in terms of how I represent myself online.

AT_art - This was my original logo on DeviantArt when I simply called myself AT_art. However I decided to rebrand myself into something that was not my own name but catchy and something people could recognise and remember. 

TheBritsonian - When I was living in Australia, I decided a rebrand was in order, I decided to make it something quite quirky and memorable, and also something that made me stand out against my peers. For this I based my name on my home country of Britain, and decided the smithsonian was a name to base my name on. Mixing those 2 words helped me come up with a name I liked. 

Rebranding - Throughout PP I decided that I wanted my logo and presence to be different. TheBritsonian was something I have enjoyed being over the last few years, and wanted to continue. Therefore I decided to rebrand myself, this is my sheet of designs which I made to try and update my logo, I tried many different variants but 1 in particular stood out to me.

Colour Change - When making my new logo in Illustrator, I decided to try and change my colours. However I ultimately decided that my original colours stood out to me the most, and I kept my own colours. The red is a very specific red which I use in my art so I kept this exactly the same.

The New Britsonian - This is my final new logo, I love the way this came out, it is a vector so the quality stays in place, and I can now begin building my professional profile on top of my personal one. This will not be a hard task as I do not often keep my posts up and delete them if I believe them to be not good enough to represent me anymore.

A banner - From the font I used to create my new logo, I decided I needed to specify my practice a lot more, using this, I made a banner for YouTube, I used this to specify my interest in animation. I want to make a motion graphic which I can use in my showreel and on my social media accounts in order to represent this to its fullest.

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