Sunday 20 May 2018

Life is a Pitch

For this module, in groups we formed a collective which we named Mumble Studios. In this collective I was tasked with making our showreel, and identifying our competitors. Our goal in Mumble studios was to create interactive animations for web pages and mobile games, and eventually break into the games industry.

This is the showreel I made using work from myself and 3 others from my group. I do not own all of the work shown in this showreel and am only using it for educational purposes. For this I made an opening which represents our studio, using a colour scheme that was passed on to me by a team mate.

I created a fake web page so that I could make an animation of an interactive web page, so that instead of playing a video, the video falls and deconstructs the page. This was not a necessary part of the project, but I wanted to mix practice into my smaller role in the team.

My Research

In my research I had to look specifically at animation studios which offered interactive animation. Here are the top finds in my searches.


These are the animation studios I found, however what I found is that none of these specifically offered what we were offering, as most offer animation in different stages.


After this presentation was given, I considered that in my research I should have looked into game studios, not just animation studios, and my perspective was a bit too narrow. In my focusing on the showreel too much, I hadn't considered that games companies would probably offer more of this than animation studios.

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