Sunday 20 May 2018

My Contract

Under PP, I have been asked to make an invoice form, and also a contract which can be used under my specific brand. This was not something I had currently considered and therefore I had to think about all of the things that I needed for each of these.

This is the invoice I made for my own specific brand. I used a template from microsoft word to help me with this, I tried to take out anything that related to the template, by trying to colour it so that it was as branded as possible. All of the numbers are fabricated and do not relate to anything that I have agreed on. 

I tried to be a bit more professional with my contract. I did not use any sort of template for this, and heavily considered what I should be earning. I decided on £15 an hour for my rate, as I considered that as a cleaner I earned £10 an hour, therefore I should be earning more after earning a degree in a subject, and for my skills as a practitioner. Here is where I considered where I should be charging a decent living wage based on my practice. This is something I will use going forward with my branding. 

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