Sunday 20 May 2018

My SWOT Analysis

During the session today, we undertook a practice called SWOT, which means analysing our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. During this practice I made my own version, and then 2 of my peers also contributed to their own versions for me. From these I made my own final version,

Strengths -

  • Drawing
  • Fast Paced Work
  • Good work ethic
  • time management 
Weaknesses - 

  • Change of ideas
  • Time management of write up
  • Drawing females
  • Not going out of my comfort zone
  • Leaving things until last minute
  • shy
Opportunities - 

  • Festivals outside of Uni
  • Summer Internships at studios
  • Studio visits
  • Potentially Singapore? 
  • Commissions 
Threats - 
  • Ever changing technologies ie animation software
  • Competitive industry especially in specialisation
  • Other classmates going into the industry at the same time
  • lack of work for my specialisation 
This is a condensed version of all 3 of my SWOT forms, I believe this effectively analysis's my strengths and weaknesses and what I need to improve upon in the future and over the course of the year.   

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