Friday 22 March 2019

A Big Rebrand - AlexTStoryboards

After much reflection, and talking to Jez Hall, as well as my peers, I have decided that I needed to rebrand myself with my own name, as opposed to more of a company name. This will make me come across as more approachable, as I am just a person, as opposed to a persona. There has also been an issue where people have assumed my political stance due to my online name being "TheBritsonian". This is something I have been considering for a while, however talking to professionals has convinced me that I need to update this online presence a lot.

This is my usual logo, which I have been using for about a year now, under the tag "TheBritsonian" I like the logo, however it is not very me.

This is my new logo, text included. It is a mixture of the A and T initials in my name, still using the same colours, as I have taken quite a liking to that red which I have been using. I feel as though it is a better representation of me as a person, and immediately tells the viewer who I am and what I do as a professional. The red is now the front section of the logo as it puts more emphasis on the T, and yet is still readable as an A. When the colours are swapped it gives more of an emphasis on the A and the T gets a bit lost in the colour, so this was a more readable option.

Obviously this has led me to change all of my social media's, including my website, so I used a website to check if my new username "alextstoryboards" was taken, which luckily it was not. So I changed everything.

As is shown here, I have also changed my twitter so that the colour matches all of my other branding, using what I now call "The Britsonian Red" which I have used for everything else. It is a pretty significant change in my branding, but it gives me a lot more freedom to explore what I want to show on my social media pages.

This is the code for my Britsonian Red which I have started using on everything, it maintains brand consistency and works well with the white and black, it is not too dark, but also not a pastel colour as I feel pastel doesn't really represent me as a person, so it is a nice medium.

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