Wednesday 20 March 2019

Pricing as a Freelancer

Today I attended a costing and pricing workshop at Uni, where it was explained the process of working out minimum spend and wage to charge as a freelancer in industry. I have realised that realistically that most jobs for a storyboard artist are short term contracts, so becoming a freelancer is probably the most viable option for me.

This is my notes from the workshop, at the bottom there is a calculator, which shows how to work out the minimum I can charge someone to earn what I need to earn per hour and per day, based on hours worked per year. This chart is quite unrealistic as a freelancer will most likely be working to the degree of 34 weeks a year, as opposed to 46, but it was a basic tester as opposed to a definitive cost list. This is also the absolute minimum, as a professional I should be charging much more per day than this.

Based on the BECTU salary guide, this is way less than I need to be charging to make a living rate in London.

The £513 is the day rate for a freelance storyboard artist based in London based on the British Film Designer's guild's rate card for 2017. This means I would be charging way less than the national average, however I am just beginning so I feel like this is somewhat a fair price.

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