Wednesday 27 March 2019

A Talk with David Bunting

Today we had a storyboard pro workshop with David Bunting.

As he is a storyboard artist by trade for children's TV, I thought it would be a great opportunity to get some feedback on my work face to face, and not over email or LinkedIn as I have done with my other connections.

Here were my main takeaways from our conversation:

  • Most recent work is good, at a very similar level to Bianca Ansems and Catherine Salkeld  when they were in my position. 
  • My website is a bit too clumsy, a bit too open, it would work to be a bit more condensed. 
  • It would serve me well to attend life drawing sessions "for a storyboard artist it should be like going to the gym" is something which he said to me. 

The comparison to 2 of my storyboarding heroes was something I will takeaway with me as it is a real confidence booster in my own abilities. He gave me a lot of constructive criticism, which I will take with me also, as it is very important to my development as an artist, also as a board artist, I will need to be able to take director feedback and respond in turn, as storyboarding is such a necessary part of the animation pipeline. 

He also recommended to me that I look into Lupus and Aardman, as both companies have been known to take on interns and he also learned storyboard pro through his work at Aardman, so I will contact both companies to see what opportunities they could hold. 

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