Monday 11 March 2019

Point of Contact - Contacting Professionals

Throughout third year, I have made an attempt to contact professionals who specialise in my area of interest, which would be storyboards. I specifically looked around for storyboard artists who have worked on films which I believe work really well, and I have seen some of the storyboards for. I did not make any sort of list for who I was going to be contacting, I purely contacted people who I believed to be good examples of storyboard artists.

My first step was looking into storyboards which I enjoy from live action films, but also storyboard artists who specialise in animation, and have examples of storyboards online. The following is who I found and contacted:

Douglas Ingram: Link to Work :

Douglas Ingram is a London based storyboard artist having worked on blockbuster films such as "Bohemian Rhapsody", "Batman Begins" and "Fast and Furious 6" Myself and Mr Ingram did at first exchange in an email conversation, however most of our correspondence was over the phone which I obviously cannot evidence. Mr Ingram was so inviting as a person to talk to, and was able to offer a lot of advice on approach. Although he was so helpful with storyboard questions, we also were able to have what I felt was a very genuine conversation about our approach, and what we like to use in terms of pencils and equipment. This was an inspiring conversation to have and really gave me and insight into the live action storyboard industry. From this I have made a long term connection whom I have contacted a few different times on a more friendly basis since our initial contact which has been very useful.

Andrew Wildman: Andrew Wildman Work

My initial contact with Mr Wildman was at Thought Bubble Leeds 2018 where he had a table selling prints and his new book which was the complete storyboards on an episode on "Doctor Who". I purchased this book which he kindly signed as well as a print of his from his days working on "Transformers" comics. After this he gave me his email, and we had a brief talk about storyboarding and it's connection to comic books of which he was incredibly helpful. After this I was able to contact and connect with Mr Wildman on LinkedIn, where we had back and forth correspondence and he was able to give me some very good advice on the industry and his approach to storyboarding. I found that this differed to Mr Ingram's, however it often does from artist to artist so this wasn't a surprise. From this we have had some contact here and there about some more general topics - movies and such, and he is a very helpful and useful contact to have.

Frasier Maclean : Link to Mr Maclean's Book

My very first contact with Mr Maclean, was 2 years ago during a talk he gave on the animation industry at Uni, and he is a very informed individual throughout the animation industry, having worked in the layout department on Disney's "Tarzan" and written the book "Setting the Scene: The Art and Development of Animation Layout". Although Mr Maclean is not specific to storyboarding, I felt it necessary to gain insight from industry professionals on there career as there could be insight on how to carry myself and how to approach the animation industry. However to my satisfaction, it turned out that Mr Maclean did in-fact have an extensive knowledge on storyboarding, and was able to suggest a lot of very useful books (which I have picked up since) as well as being able to answer all the questions I had about storyboarding for myself. We have been in contact since a fair amount, as he is kind enough to talk through updates about what I am doing and how my experiences have been since our initial talk.

Steven Evangelatos : Steven's Work

I was actually lucky enough to stumble across Mr Evangelatos' work on a whim whilst looking for Marvel/Comic related works in storyboarding. I came across this board from "Marvel's Avengers Assemble" the animated show. From this I contacted Mr Evangelatos on LinkedIn, and he greeted me very nicely, and so I asked him the questions I wanted to know the answer to, which he graciously answered within the same day. This was a different experience as Mr Evangelatos is an American storyboard artist, and therefore I was able to gain some insight on how an animated production in the USA develops it's storyboards. As a key difference to the storyboards I have contacted prior, Mr Evangelatos spends a long time working out character arcs before starting the board process. This was a very key difference and definitely puts a lot more emphasis on the storytelling (which the other artists do also) within a series.

Bianca Ansems :  Bianca Ansems Work

Bianca Ansems is a storyboard artist/ animator who has worked on projects for Cartoon Network such as "The Amazing World of Gumball". My initial contact with Ms Ansems on twitter, where she very nicely said that I could contact her in a couple of weeks as she was on holiday. After a couple of weeks had passed I contacted again, this time on email, and asked if I could ask some questions, to which she nicely agreed to answer when she had the time. I asked my questions and I received some very in depth responses to my questions. This gave me a very good insight into storyboarding for the TV animation industry, from a well established professional. Ms Ansems was professional and incredibly helpful all the way along. I was able to get a very good sense of her process and also her responses were very direct and to the point.

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