Friday 2 November 2018

Who am I now? And where do I want to be?

When I first started University, I wanted to be a 2D animator, telling my own stories with my own independent animation company. Now, however, since the start of 2nd year, I am a Storyboard artist, wanting to work for a studio on TV, Film or Animation. I knew I wanted a role which could not just be specific to one field, and I have a passion for TV and movies, so I did not want to specify myself into just animation, I felt that varying my skill set was more useful for getting a job outside of Uni.

Currently my skillset is purely in 2D drawing and cinematography knowledge which helps with shot framing in my storyboards. I have a good knowledge of Storyboard pro, toon boom’s storyboarding software, as well as creative cloud applications and Autodesk sketchbook. I would like to expand to using 3D to aiding with my storyboards as this is a common practice which many studios undertake and would make me more of a hireable asset to studios.

My social media right now consists of my own storyboards and artwork, which is mostly fan art work, and should probably be more consistent of storyboards and motion drawings. Right now, as a practicing artist, I am on Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter and New grounds. My main one which I use is Instagram. I have my own branding which I use on all my artwork, I am recently looking into re working my branding to reflect my storyboards more. I do not think I utilise my social media effectively and I should look into posting more sporadically with more professional work.

Upon the exit of the course, I would like to join a studio as an in-house storyboard artist, however I understand that realistically, as a storyboard artist, most work will come from 6 month contracts or less, therefore I will need to take on freelance work in order to maintain myself. Eventually I would like to be a freelancer able to work on both animated and live action productions on feature films. They are 2 very different mediums but a lot of the skills are transferable. 

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