Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Website Rebuilding + Market Research

After my talk with David Bunting, I decided that my website needed revisiting, to try and make it a little more concise, and in line with what I wanted to show off. SO I took a look at some other storyboard artist's website, to see how they were showing work, and how I could improve mine to seem a bit more professional.

First I had a look at http://www.buntinganimation.com/ . David's own website, to see how he was showing his Storyboards. I found that he puts a lot into what he is . trying to achieve with his boards, and explaining his creative decisions, which I found fascinating, as it is both personal and professional.

I then had a look at https://www.biancaansems.com/ . The website for Bianca Ansems. This was cool to see as it is very minimalist, like mine, but a bit more spread out, so you can see the boards straight onto the page, there is not much text, it is very to the point, which I also quite like, as it shows off what she can do straight off the bat.

A bit of a change of pace, but I had a look at http://www.douglasingramart.com/ . Although this is a live action portfolio, I thought it necessary to have a look, because I know Douglas outsourced the design of his website, so I thought it interesting to see. Douglas has again, quite a different approach, splitting his by project, but with not much text, which is sort of in-between the 2 others I looked at.

This is how I chose to lay out my storyboard section. I took out the animation portion of my portfolio just for now, and decided to focus on making the storyboard section really strong first. I decided to split it into 2 different sections, personal, and University work, and I can add a third "Professional" section after I have some work under my belt. Now there is a small descriptor of what is happening in each board, and it is formatted much nicer, so you can see everything on one page, as opposed to having to scroll through masses of posts. I also decreased the roundness of my top bar, as with the new logo, being more angular, the rounded edge didn't quite fit. The drop down menu is also an improvement, as it no longer needs to go onto a specific page before you can access the portfolio section.

I also adjusted the home page slightly, so that it plays my showreel from the off, as a sort of taster of what you can see in the rest of my web page. I decided to take the music off my showreel for this version as music playing as soon as you click on a webpage can often be off putting, and people are more likely to click straight off.

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