Thursday 6 December 2018

Application after Application

After making my CV I thought it best to apply for some potential jobs, whether it be because I believed I was in with a chance, but also because I wanted the experience of going through the application process, and maybe gaining some interview experience. Therefore I went for these websites to track down some jobs.

All of these websites have been incredibly useful in looking for jobs. So far I have used these resources to apply for Cloth Cat animation, Jellyfish Animation, Build a Rocket Boy Games LTD, Square One Resources, as well as internships at Pixar, Disney and Blue-zoo for storyboard artist internships. So far I have not received any sort of response from these companies but I will remain hopeful and keep applying for extra stuff.

As well as applying on these websites, I have contacted some studios about any work experience or studio visit opportunities which could potentially be around but not on any sort of job websites. The companies I have contacted so far have been Brown Bag Films, Little Fish Animation Studios as well as some others, I have tried not to contact anything too far away due to travel cost however I am trying to establish a connection with these studios.

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